
Vanuatu Adventure Race

+(678) 7753153
Port Vila, Pacific, Asia

Based on the same format as the successful 2010 event, teams will race over 2 1/2 days through some of Efete Island’s most scenic locations . Team's absolutely loved the island experience and interaction with the local villagers...2011 will be no different.
The race will begin Saturday the 13th with a 2 hour mandatory prologue event, from that point on you can expect to experience the local sights, culture and adventure.

Day one of the Vanuatu Adventure Race will be a staged event with a series of connecting rogaines, with Compulsory Checkpoints that must be obtained and Bonus Checkpoints that teams can chose to obtain for time deductions to their actual race time.

Day one will finish with a mandatory night camp close to a coastal village.

Day two of the Vanuatu Adventure Race will start with a Trek and finish with Mountain Biking.

Through-out Day One and Day Two there will be running, swimming in Mystery Activities thrown in.