
Race Around Rottnest

+61 8 9284 3522
Rottnest Island, Western Australia, Australia

The Race Around Rottnest was the latest event to join in the Adventure race phenomenon. Participants have the chance to compete as an individual, or tackle the course as a team of up to 4.

Did you know that Autism affects one in 150 Australians? Or that it is four times more likely to affect boys then girls? There are no medical tests and it is a lifelong neurobiological disorder. That's why we have teamed up with Autism West to help raise awareness and funds to enrich the lives of families living with Autism.

The Race Around Rottnest is your chance to make a difference. With an ocean swim, mountain bike ride, ocean paddle and trail run, this is a brand new challenge on the WA events calendar. You can participate for the cause, for your yourself, add it to your training calendar or just for fun. Enjoy a great after party and make a weekend of it at your favourite holiday destination - Rottnest Island!

Discover the natural beauty of the island while tackling the course off-road, taking you on beaten tracks and ocean adventures like no other.

Swim: 1km

Bike: 16.5km

Ski: 4km

Run: 7.5km